Everyday life is the special occasion!

June 22, 2016

Scrambled Eggs With Shrimps

There's just something about those silky scrambled eggs  and tender shrimp that makes it a perfect brunch on a lazy weekend. Super tasty, quick, easy and almost inexpensive it makes a very savory meal -  both of the smell and taste of the eggs with sauté shrimps are so good and tempting. You can serve it with a variety of ingredients, from salads to simple rice, but for me there's nothing like a scrumptious slice of dark bread with a lot of seeds to give it an extra punch.

  •  5 eggs
  •  1 package light culinary cream
  •  1 tablespoon butter
  •  100gr mozarella
  •  Salt & ground chili qs
  •  1/2 onion
  •  olive oil
  •  250gr shrimp kernels
  •  rye bread with seeds

In a frying pan sauté the onion cut into small pieces in olive oil and then add the shrimp, letting it get slightly golden. Separately beat the eggs until you have a bulky foam and add the cream and
mozarella cheese, beating again. Add the prawns previously cooked. In a frying pan put a tablespoon of butter and pour the previous mixture. Stir and remove before drying too much.

  • 5 ovos
  • 1 pacote natas culinárias magras
  • 1 colher de chá de manteiga
  • 100gr mozarella
  • sal & piri piri q.b.
  • 1/2 cebola
  • azeite
  • 250gr miolo de camarão
  • pão de centeio com sementes
Numa sertã saltear a cebola cortada em pedacinhos no azeite e juntar depois o camarão, deixando alourar. Separadamente bater os ovos até formar uma espuma volumosa e juntar a natas e o queijo mozarella e voltar a bater. Juntar os camarões previamente cozinhados. Colocar numa sertã colocar uma colher de manteiga e deitar o preparado anterior. Mexer e retirar antes de secar muito.

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